How to Transfer your Pekin Policy to a Local Agent.
If you've moved lately, you know how stressful moving can be: There’s a endless list of tasks to perform. So it’s no surprise that making new insurance arrangements might not be your first priority.
But do yourself a favor: Don’t wait. The process is easy if you find the right agency.
Below are a few key questions to investigate about transferring your insurance policy after a move. They don't cover everything, but they should get you going in the right direction.

1. Find a Local Pekin Agent?
If you're happy with your insurance company, give your agent a call. Your agent should be able to tell you whether you'll need to find a new agent and how to transfer your policies to your new address.
(if your agent doesn't represent Pekin Insurance in your new state, may we recommend calling us. We are licensed with Pekin in multiple states)
Pekin also has a FIND AN AGENT tool at https://agentquote.pekininsura...
2. What About New Insurance? And Transferring Insurance?
Talking with a Pekin agent ( or calling us if you need a new Pekin agent ) is the best way to find out what you’ll need to do to get new insurance or transfer your insurance to your new address. Your agent will also help you understand insurance requirements in your new location.
If you're moving between states, keep in mind that insurance coverage varies across states. For example, in California, due to the high frequency of earthquakes, you need to take special precautions to make sure your home is safe and secure in case an earthquake occurs. That’s not the case in Indiana! Different states also have different auto insurance laws, and if you’re moving to a new state, you’ll need a new auto insurance policy – plain and simple.
3. What about a refund from my old policy? If you have prepaid your prior policy or recently made a payment, we can help you request cancellation and process a credit \ refund on that policy. ( some companies charge a fee but Pekin doesn't )
The thing to remember is this:
If you are just looking to transfer your Pekin policy to a local Pekin agent in your state, you need to start with finding an agent in your state, OR consider contacting RightSure Insurance Group as we represent Pekin in just about every state and can insure properties \ vehicles in multiple states.
Still have questions ?
Call us, RIGHTSURE is known for our " Famously Friendly Humans " Talk with Real people at 520-901-7010 or Toll Free 877-917-5295.

Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, RIGHTSURE is an Insurance Technology firm leveraging cutting edge products with Artificial Intelligence and Insur-tech relationships to help families and businesses in 42 states. By using a unique, client-centered approach, combined with superior technology, RIGHTSURE presents clients with a wide range of Insurance options and a seamless purchasing process. To learn more, visit or call 520-917-5295.